Supporting Industry 4.0 initiatives

Connecting the physical world with the digital world

Industry 4.0 fundamentally changes the way in which businesses create and capture value. This shift is enabled by a set of technologies including autonomous robots, simulation technology, system integration, the Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, cloud computing, additive manufacturing, augmented reality and big data.

Industry 4.0 technologies have been around for a while individually, but more recently, they have begun to influence and impact each other.  Enabled by the internet and a desire to significantly reduce costs, businesses can now take advantage of these technologies to significantly improve efficiencies and business models.

At a basic level, Industry 4.0 technologies add value by enabling better visibility into manufacturing lines, supply chains and resource usage. This increased visibility enables companies to increase productivity and to compete on values such as improved safety and service

Benefits of Industry 4.0

Connected machines collect incredible amounts of data that can inform maintenance, performance and other issues, as well as analyze that data to identify patterns and insights that would be impossible for a human to do in a reasonable timeframe.  Industry 4.0 offers the opportunity for manufacturers to optimize their operations quickly and efficiently by knowing what needs attention.


Optalert supports key 4.0 initiatives

Data on Demand

The ability to go beyond human interface portals and monitor operators and assets through existing big data mining is now a reality.  Utilizing Optalert’s technology, data can be accessed from the cloud on demand.  This provides partners with access to real time data, and a greater level of visibility of human and equipment performance can be achieved.  The flow on benefits being increased productivity and reduced maintenance costs.

Optalert’s customized approach supports the principal need for technological solutions to increase the level of automation.  Throughout the mining site, initiatives such as accessing data on demand, and real time reporting have the potential to enable faster data access, improved accuracy and reduction in human error in the process .

 Improved services and business models

In mining and road transport industries, greater connectivity between drivers and control rooms can be achieved through real-time access to Optalert Fatigue Risk Profiler (FRP) information, continually monitoring productivity.

In the event there is a network outage, Optalert customers do not need to halt operations, each asset is equipped with state of the art technology which provides the operator with real time feedback on the levels of alertness, therefore they know if they are safe to continue to work.


Optalert data is transmitted to the cloud, which has the potential for the rapid provision of new services and high levels of reliability provided by multiregional data centres.  Cloud computing allows site managers and supervisors to monitor all assets in real time via the Optalert FRP IRIS, plus provides electronic alerting via email and SMS.

Machine, Worker and Environment Safety

Optalert’s early warning drowsiness detection provides collection of real time data, which allows any driver drowsiness issues to be identified immediately.  Through active monitoring of time and geo location, risk record alert annotations ensure tracking and recording of actions against operators at risk.  This provides enhanced workplace safety, increased productivity and improvements across the entire value chain.

Workers’ education and skills

Optalert’s real time monitoring and ongoing customer support, provides workers with a greater understanding of fatigue, increases their safety awareness and empowers them to better manage their sleep, diet and exercise.


Industry 4.0 technologies have potential to provide a major boost to companies’ economic competitiveness.  The digital age has moved into industry and is starting to have real impact.  Robotics, tools, sensors or IOT technology are all able to work together for increased automation and improved quality control.  Optalert’s machine learning technology is well positioned to help shape the future of industry, by connecting the real world with the digital world, making it possible to enter entirely new dimensions in safety, quality, and productivity.
