Global Neurology Expert Joins the Board of World’s Leading Drowsiness & Alertness Detection Company, Optalert

Optalert, the world’s leader in drowsiness and alertness detection, today welcomed Professor Matthew Kiernan as a new Non- Executive Director of its board. Professor Matthew Kiernan is Co-Director of the Brain and Mind Centre, focusing on discovery and translation and President of the Brain Foundation, funding world-class research into neurological disorders, brain disease and brain...
In a year of turbulence and unknowns, Optalert are pleased to bring you some exciting news. Optalert’s early warning drowsiness detection system has now been developed specifically to suit light vehicles such as: 4WD’s, DualCabs, small commercial vehicles. The eagle LIGHT is a small form factor device which pairs with Optalert wireless glasses.  Robust and...
Motor racing is both a physically challenging and mentally demanding sport.  Its associated with a high degree of safety risk for drivers, whereby the slightest error could lead to fatal consequences.   Drowsiness and inattentiveness are amongst the most dangerous risks faced by any driver, yet alone a race car driver who’s preparing to be at...
2020 will go down as one of the most difficult for companies and leaders around the world.  The corona virus has taken lives, isolated families, closed airports and put a fear into many like never before.  Whilst most of us have had the privilege of a stable life occupied with routine, the future is now...
  Sleep is essential for your brain function as well as your body. Medical research shows sleep loss has detrimental effects on our health from weight gain to a weakened immune system.  It can impact memory, increase risk of accidents, diabetes, the likelihood of cancers and has profound effects on the cardiovascular system1.  Even a...
Optalert’s sophisticated software algorithm, leads the drowsiness monitoring field, by providing the next level layer within driver monitoring systems (DMS).  Optalert’s scientifically validated Johns Drowsiness Scale (JDSTM) enables an objective, real time, quantifiable measure of drowsiness.  Applicable across ethnicity, gender and age, the JDS™ empowers the driver with the ability to avoid dangerous microsleeps.  Providing...
  Top 5 Out Of 200 Driver Monitoring Startups In Automotive StartUs INSIGHTS article: We analyzed 200 Driver Monitoring startups in the automotive industry. Sighthound, Optalert, CardioID, Edge3, and Sober Steering are our 5 picks to watch out for. To learn more about the global distribution of these 5 and 195 more startups, check out...
Di – Swedish financial site – Published:January 18, 2020 After just over ten years of revenue darkness, Visage Technologies began selling its technology to analyze facial images. “It was our breakthrough,” says Jörgen Ahlberg. Photo: Henrik Lenngren It started out as a less lucrative hobby business for some researchers who needed to “code off”. Today, Visage Technologies...









